Matthew Warren

Software Enginner

About Me

Photo of Matthew Warren

My name is Matthew Warren. I graduated from Illinois Institute of Technology with a becholors degree in computer science in May of 2020. I've been into computers since I was very young. At first I just liked playing games on them, but as I got older I learned about how computers were put together from watching my dad perform maintenance on his work computer. I also learned about how they were put together from a local computer repair shop where I would occasionally hang out and help. Aside from how they were put together, I became interested in how games were made and I wanted to go into game development. The one thing I remember about when I wanted to go into game development was how in the game "Star Wars Battlefront 2" (the 2005 version) there were locked doors in the spaceships during the space battles and I always thought it would be cool to be able to explore what was through those doors.

During middle school I decided to learn programming. At first I followed C++ tutorials, but I quickly lost interest in that for one reason or another. About a year later I got back into programming, although this time I was using Java since I was learning to make mods for Minecraft. This is where I finally got into programming and started learning a lot. It wasn't until highschool when I really started learning about all the different things in programming though. From all the learning I did (and still do) on my own time, I've learned a little bit about a lot of different topics related to computers. Some of the things I learned about were cpu design, assembly language, compilers, game design, security, and virtual machines.