Matthew Warren

Software Enginner


Turing Complete Circuit Simulator

A circuit simulator meant to be used with the game "Turing Complete" which can simulate circuits faster than the game can. This is still a WIP and may or may not be completed since the game is going through an engine overhaul which will make it perform faster than my simulator will. This is one of my first projects written in Rust.

ETCa (Extensible Turing Complete Architecture)

A CPU architecture I'm developing with a few other people with the intent of being educational and practical to use. It's designed so that the base specification for it is only slightly more difficult than the LEG architecture from the game "Turing Complete". Additional extensions add more features which give it most if not all of the features required to be a practical CPU.

Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius

I worked on optimizing functions related to the battle system in the game as well as modularizing various components to make it easier to add content to the game.

Sunrider: Liberation Day

My work on this game, which is the sequel to "Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius", consisted of similar work to the prequel. I did not have as active of a role in the development of this game as its predecessor.

Media Player

A media player that I wrote in Java which was originally intended to be a fully functional media player with support for nested playlists. It is currently on hiatus.